ALLAH(Jalla Shanahu) commands us to go for Hajj if we have the means, and
when we are ready to go for Hajj, we say Labbayk (meaning: Here I am,
ready to obey Your Command, O Allah). Allah (Jalla Shanahu) also
commands us in the Holy Qur’an to invoke blessings and salutations on
the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ta ala alayhi wa sallam) and what a
pleasant surprise it is to find a salaat in Part 1 of Dalaail u’l
Khayraat with the relevant verse (33:56) and the response of Labbayk as
Innallaaha wa malaaikatahu yusalluuna ‘alan-nabi O Yaa ayyuhallaziina aamanu sallu ‘alaihi wa sallimu tasliima O
Verily, Allah and his angles bless the Prophet! O you, who believe, ask (Allah) to bless him and grant him abundant peace!
Allahumma rabbi wasaadayka salawaatullahil-barrirrahiimi
wal-malaaikatil-mukarrabiina wannabiyyena was-siddiqiina wash-shuhadaa‘i
was-saalihiina wama sabbaha laka min shay-in-yaa rabbal ‘alamiina ‘alaa
sayyidina Muhammad-in Abdillaahi khaatamin-nabiyyiina wasayyidina
mursaliina Wa ima mil-muttaqiina warasuuli rabbil-‘alamiina
shahidil-bashiirid-daa’ii ilaika bi-iznikas-sirajil-muniri wa
‘alaihis-salam. O
salawatika wabarakatika warahmataka ‘alaa saiyidil-mursaliina wa
imamil-muttaqiina wa khatamin-nabiyyina sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘abdika
warasulika imamil-khairi waqaa‘idil-khairi warasulir-rahmah O
Translation :
am here, Ya Allah, at Your service and at Your Command, my Lord! The
blessing of Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’ala), the good, the Merciful, and of
his closest angles, and of the Prophets and of the sincere ones, and of
the martyrs and of the good ones and of whatever else exists which
glorifies You (Ya Allah), O Lord of the worlds, are for our master
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), son of Abdullah (Radhi allah
ta’ala anhu), the seal of the Prophets and the master of Messenger The
Leader of the Pious and the Messenger of the Lord of the world, the
witness the Bringer of Good Tidings, the caller to You (Ya Alalh) by
Your leave, the Lamp, the Illumined one, on him may there be peace!
Allah grant Your blessings and Favours and Your Mercy to the master of
the Messengers and the Leader of the pious and Seal of the Prophets, our
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your slave and Your
Messenger, the Pioneer of Goodness and Guide to the Goodness, the
Messenger of Mercy!
solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa ‘alaa aalihi wa as-ha bihi wa
auladihi wa azwaajihi wa zurriyyatihi wa ahli baitihii wa as-harihii wa
ansarihi wa ashya-‘ihii wa muhibbiihii wa ummatihii wa ‘alaina ma aahum
ajma‘ina yaa arhamar-rahimin! O
Worship/Waziafs for Rabbi ul Awwal
ASALATU WASALAMU ALAYKA YA RASULLALLAH Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam
First Rabi ul awwal
should perform 16 Raka’h Nafl , in sections of 2 Raka’ah and intentions
of 2 Raka’ah each and in each Raka’ah recite after Surah Al-Fatihah,
Surah Ikhlas 3 times and after the completion of the 16 Raka’ah recite
the following Durood one thousand times:
Allahumma Rabba haazihid dawatit tammatee wassalaatil qaaimatee aatee Muhammadanil wasilata wal fadhilata
above Durood when continued to be recited daily for 12 days {one
thousand times each day} after Salatul ‘Isha, and then going to sleep in
the state of wudu, the reciter will Inshaallah Ta’la see the Beloved
Rasool Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam
any one who recites in the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal one hundred and
twenty five thousand times any one of the following 2 Duroods Will
certainly see the beloved Rasool Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallamin a dream Inshallah.
Assalaatu Wassalaamu Alayka Ya Rasoolallah Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wa Sallam Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wa Sallam
is written in “Kitabul Mashaikh” that from the night on which the Hilal
of Rabi-ul-Awwal is seen, if one recites the following Durood 1025
times after Salatul ‘Isha:
Ala’ Muhammadinw wa’ala Aali Muhammadin kamaa salaita Ala’ Ibrahima aa ala’ Aali Ibrahima innaka hamidummajeed
He/she will see the Beloved Nabi Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam in his dream
Fasting on the First of Rabi ul Awwal is also recommended.
12th Rabi ul Awwal EID MILAD UN NABI Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam
After Zuhar namaaz read the follwing nawafils.
Offer two rakaat prayer, In first Rakaat after surah fateha recite
Surah e Kafiroon three times, in second rakaat after surah fateha recite
sura e Ikhlas three times
2 rakats nafil namaz. In each rakat after Surah Fateha, pray Surah
Muzammil Sharif once. After the namaz, offer its sawab to our beloved
Prophet Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam. Then go into sijdah position and pray for fulfilment of your needs. Insha-Allah the wishes will be granted.
Pray 2 or 4 rakats (in 2 salams) nafil namaz. In each rakat after Surah
Fateha recite Surah Ikhlas 25 times. After the namaz pray as in 1)
Some acts to be carried out on 12th Rabi ul Awwal Eid Milad Un Nabi Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam.
* To perform Ghusal
* Wear New Clothes
* Wear Attar/perfume
* Read Seerah of Nabi Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam
* Greet Each other
* Give Charity
* Keep Fast
* stay up all night and recite the Quran/ darood shareef and attend mehfils.
Throughout this month reciting of darood shareef in abundance carries great virtues/sawaab inshallah.
- Permissibility Of Celebrating Meelad-Un-Nabi Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam (
- It is Not Necessary For Respect , That The Respected Person Should Be Present (
- Allah Almighty made the Holy Ka’bah as Qibla to fulfil the Holy Prophet’s Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam desire
Three Conditions for the Acceptance of wazaif from Fatawa Radawiyyah
To achieve the effect of ważā’if [litanies] and aʿmāl [exercises], (the fulfilment of) three conditions is essential –
1 – [confident expectancy]
the heart to be free from such anxiety where one is constantly
deliberating whether it has had an effect or not. Rather, one must trust
wholly in Allāh تعالى that He will definitely accept (this action). It
is mentioned in hadīth that the Messenger of Allāh و سلم ليه و اٰ صلي
لله تعالي stated –
ادعوا الله وانتم موقنون با لا جابة
“Supplicate to Allāh in such a state that you remain certain of its acceptance.”
[Sunan at Tirmidhī; V5; P292; H3590]
2 – [patience and forbearance]
one not to become fearful with the passage of time, where one thinks –
“even after so many days, no effect has become apparent!” This itself
will come to be the cause of (the action) not being accepted! Rather,
embrace the mindset that without doubt, Allāh and His Messenger و سلم
ليه و اٰ صلي لله تعالي are about to generously favour you! Allāh تعالى
states –
Translation of Kanzulīmān –
only they were content with that which Allāh and His Messenger have
given them, and say, “Allāh is enough for us – He will give us some of
His bounty and so will His Messenger – to Allāh alone we turn in hope.” [Surah al Tawbah; V59]
It is mentioned in a hadīth –
“Your supplications are accepted as long as you do not hastily say – ‘I supplicated but it is yet to be accepted’.”
[Sahīh Muslim; P1563; H2735]
3 –
regards permission (to act upon) the entirety of my (meaning `Ā’lā
Hadrat’s رضي لله تعالي عنه ) ważā’if [litanies], aʿmāl [exercises] and
taʿwīżāt [amulets,] I have stipulated the condition that one must remain
regular in offering the five daily salāh with the congregation in the
masjid. And with Allāh is tawfīq. [Fatāwā Radawiyyah; V23; P558]
- The Blessed Month of Ramadan al-Kareem [1433H / 2012] Mubarak!! (
- Seeking blessings from the graves of the pious (
- THE PROPHET (Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam) has the power of giving benefit and loss
Imām Aḥmad Riḍā Khān al Qādirī Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu
noble friends of Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala state – “an ignorant ṣūfī is
shayṭān’s joke.” Similarly, a ḥadīth of the noble Messenger of Allāh
SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam informs us –فقيه واحد اشد على الشيطان من الف عابدين
“A single jurist is severer upon shayṭān than a thousand worshippers.” [Tirmidhī and ibn Mājah]
who remain ignorant yet strive hard in their worship are merely made to
dance by shayṭān upon his fingers. He places bridles in their mouths
and tangs in their noses, and thus drags them wherever he wishes, whilst
they convince themselves that they are accumulating good deeds.
Sayyidunā Junayd al Baghdādī Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu states –
spiritual guide, Sayyidunā Sirrī Saqtī Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu
supplicated for me thus – ‘may Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala grant you the
knowledge of ḥadīth and then make you a ṣūfī, and may He not make you a
ṣūfī before granting you the knowledge of ḥadīth.” [Iḥyā ‘Ulūm ud-Dīn;
Vol. 1; Page 13]
Sayyidunā Imām al Ghazālī Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu states – whilst explaining this statement –
Sayyidunā Sirrī Saqtī Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu meant that the one who
steps into the field of taṣawwuf [spirituality] armed with the knowledge
of ḥadīth is victorious, whereas the one who ventures forth without
knowledge is merely (– Allāh forbid! –) placing himself into
Sayyidunā Abu-l Qāsim Junayd al Baghdādī Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu states –
one who has neither memorised the Qurān, nor written ḥadīth (meaning
the one who lacks the knowledge of the jurisprudence) shouldn’t be
followed by seekers of the path (of taṣawwuf,) nor should he be taken as
a murshid [spiritual guide,] as all our knowledge of ṭarīqah is in
obedience to the Book and sunnah.”
Sayyidunā Sirrī Saqtī Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu states –
is the name of the coming together of three qualities: firstly, the
light of his (meaning the spiritual traveller’s) gnosis should not
extinguish his light of asceticism. Secondly, he should not utter
anything esoterically which exoterically contradicts the Qurān or noble
ḥadīth. Finally, none of his miracles should be a means of him revealing
that which Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala has forbidden to be revealed.”
[Risālat ul Qushayriyah; Page 13]
Sayyidunā Shaykh Shihāb ud-Dīn as-Suharwardī Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu states –
‘ḥaqīqah’ [spiritual reality] which contradicts the sharī’ah [sacred
law] is not in reality ḥaqīqah, but rather plain heresy.” [Awārif ul
Ma’ārif; Vol. 1; Page 43]
You should lie down with both the knees straightened and both hands on the chest. Then the following should be read:
- Ayatul Qursi – Allahu laa ilaaha illa hu huwal … – once.
- The four Quls – once. Sura Ikhlas must be read 3 times.
should then blow upon the palms and pass them on the entire length and
breadth of your body. You may also do this for the infants who are not
able to read. It is also recommended that you learn the Suras Waaqia,
Yaseen and Mulk. You should read these Suras before sleeping. As long as
you do not know them by heart, you may recite them by looking at the
Holy Quran. Thereafter, you should you should lie on the right side
without talking. If you have to talk, then you may do so, but you should
recite Sura Kaafirun before going to sleep. If this procedure is
followed then, Insha-Allah, you will be protected from all evil and
The benefit of reciting the following Suras before going to sleep:
- Sura Mulk – Protection from the Azaab (Torment) of the grave.
- Sura Yaseen – To be recited for Maghfirat (pardon).
- Sura Waaqia – Protection from hunger.
- Sura Dukhaan – The reciter will awake in the morning in such a condition that 70 000 Angels will be making Istighfar for him.
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